Long before the popular NBC TV Minute to Win It Show, we created the fastest moving, highest energy, and most unique  school assembly or family night on the block that challenges students with fun, educational, yet easy challenges.

Versus is normally used for kids and family events but can be used for college and corporate events as well.

Versus is an exciting and high energy game show that involves all or most of the students in the audience. It’s Left Vs. Right, Red vs. Blue, Team 1 vs. Team 2. Unlike the Minute show, Versus is designed to involve as many students as possible in an organized fashion.

Challenges can vary but can usually include: Trivia Face Off, Connect 4, Hula Hoops, Word Scramble, and others. We usually alternate between challenges and grade levels. The best part is that  each challenge involves 12-20 students at a time and that each challenge lasts no more than TWO Minutes. How do students know how long the challenge will last? The countdown clock is shown on a large video screen for indoor events or a LED Scoreboard for outdoor events. It’s the ultimate answer to “is it my turn yet?”. Twelve challenges plus a teacher round are played in a sixty minute time frame.

This game is scripted for each school and can by vary by grade level groups. It’s even awesome for family nights. Add a memorable soundtrack of kids’ favorites and you have what Michael, a second grader called “The Best Assembly Ever”.

Versus has been our  favorite game show and our clients favorite also because of it’s increasing popularity with new challenges, redesigned set, streamlined programming, and updated music.   Want something different? Book Versus II or the forthcoming Versus III.

Game Play

Room Set up: Our set sits either at the long end of the room or lengthwise. We request at least 36 feet wide by 24 feet of floor space.  There should be some sort of “divider” down the middle to separate the teams — this can be a natural aisle in a set of bleachers or just regular PE type cones.

Teams—Assemblies: We request that half of each grade sits together on either side of an aisle created by cones. This is to keep the games and challenges fair. One side is labeled the “Red” side and one side is labeled the “Blue” side. Big banners or drapes determine which side is which. Teachers of the respective grades will become our team captains. In some cases, multiple grades will be grouped together.

Teams—Family Nights: An attempt should be made to scatter students of each grade on either side of the audience as well as siblings and parents. We try to get all involved. Parents who know the students should be assigned to team captains.

Game Sequence: The sequence varies by the amount of grades present at each event. Most events have three grades represented but many assemblies have more grades and some have less. We have game sequences to accommodate all of these scenarios.

Bring Up Players: After an introduction by our emcee, we will invite team captains to send up a number of students. We alternate between one of three to five challenges through the grades represented. The host will then ask for a certain number of students FROM EACH SIDE to be sent up by the teacher/team to participate in the challenge.

For example, the emcee might ask for each team to send up “six of its second graders” for Trivia Face Off. Those twelve second graders will alternate answering high speed questions. At the end of the two minute round, they will sit down. At the same time, we might ask for ten of the best hula hoopers for each side. Twenty hoopers will then compete. The team with the most still hooping at the end of two minutes wins the points. This pattern continues attempting to involve as many students as possible.

Our emcee encourages audience cheering for the contestants and generates energy in the room

We continue this program as specified with other grades as well and if desired, try to involve the teachers.

Sequence: Generally speaking, we repeat either four challenges three times or six challenges are repeated twice. It depends on the event and the student breakdown.

This is a VERY fast moving, high paced, high energy, game.at We Provide (Two Teams)


Versus II

If your school already has had Versus GameShow in recent memory, book a different program based on the same concept.

While we always have the option of switching out games, Versus II runs in a similar pattern as the original Versus but with seven all new standard games.

Of course the music is still full of high energy. Versus II was just released at the end of 2013,  so we are still experimenting with games, but as of now:, Versus II includes challenges such as Buzzer Smash, Scooter RaceWheel of a Deal Relay, Grand Prize Game Relay, Hula Pass, and for the teachers—Balloon SuitsList is subject to chance.