How Many Can Play ? Essentially… All Of Them
The biggest question that event planners ask us is “how many students/participants can get involved at once”? When we planned this program, we set out to get as many (an entire assembly or group) if possible on stage and involved. And that’s what we did.
Our latest and greatest program varies from school assemblies to corporate events.
Generally, up to twenty-eight contestants or partners of students are “wired” to our computer system. Each controller has four buttons. Contestants will get a chance to answer questions projected on the screen while our computer keeps track of individual controllers and up to six teams. It is sort of like the Millionaire “Fastest Finger” round, except that all contestants get to buzz in and Regis gets to stay home.
How The Game Works
School Assemblies
We have simplified our program to allow as many participants to play and recycle in a 45-60 minute time frame. Therefore, we recommend using 28 buzzers with one student per buzzer. However, two students may share a buzzer if there is a wide enough stage space that doesn’t inhibit audience sight lines.
To simplify any chaos that might be associated with getting buzzers in the hands of the players, we set up four “Play Pens” consisting of pipe and drape colored skirts. In each booth there are in a specified place, the appropriate buzzers. If teachers care who scored what, the teams can be pre-assigned to a number. If it isn’t important for later results, the students will be able to pick up any buzzer in their pen.
After the teams are settled, our emcee will explain the procedure. A sample question will be projected on screen (that won’t count) so each contestant gets to try out his buzzer.
When the game starts, the emcee reads each question aloud for everyone (and slows the game down for the younger children). Participants will press a letter A—B—C—D that is
assigned to the answer they think is correct. After each question, the computer will display if the student is correct, the right answer, and how each team performed overall. Students can get really excited, both in their contestant pens and in the audience as the bar graph rises with suspenseful sound effects displaying team results.
There is never a need for students to speak at this point so it is a great program even for shy children. And the audience is encouraged to cheer on their favorite team. When they go nuts, you know they are learning and having fun.
Game play will continue to the end of the round—usually about eight to ten minutes. At that time we will congratulate the winning team, have everyone find their seats, and bring up the next game. (Using these parameters, we estimate that three or four student games and a short teacher round can be played.) Game time limits may be modified to allow more students to play, but it will take a while more if the teams are not organized.
For Family Fun Nights, we can either run similar to assembly or convert to our “Get Wired For This” game with a Mini Trivia Blitz round for winners.
This just in: We have more buzzers—a total of 60, available for an extra fee .
What We Provide
- Twenty-Eight wireless transmitters (with option to book 60)
- Computer and receiver
- Video projector and 6’X8’ screen (available: second projector/screen or larger screen)
- Sound system including wireless microphone for emcee, Mixer, CD player
- Host Podium
- Ambient Razzle Dazzle Lights
- Colored pipe and drape backdrop
- Four play pens and colored skirts
- All material (unless client would like to provide it)
- All pre-event coordination, trucking, load in, load out and set up
- Professional emcee and sound technician
- Second screen is optional.
Options you may Provide
- Logo sign for emcee podium or backdrop
- Prizes and or audience premiums
- List of contestants
- List of promotional announcements
Site needs to provide
- 1 20-amp circuits
- Stage area: 36 feet wide by 20 feet deep minimum
- Six-foot table for sound control
All Play, now a classic program, has been one of the most popular games because of the amount of participation it provides for, it’s simplicity, and the teamwork it encourages. The rhythm is medium paced but the overall energy is high. Surveys show the kids and teachers love it !! Our reviews always shine.